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Student user accounts

The number of student user accounts is not limited in Polar GoFit. Students can sign in to the web service to review their activity and heart rate data, and test results. Students can see only their own data.

Students sign in to the web service on Polar GoFit home page ( globally, in China) with a username and password. The username consists of school alias and student ID (school-alias/student-ID), for example polar-school/johnadams. The same user credentials are also used to transfer activity data from the activity monitors to the web service with Polar WebSync software.

Passwords are generated automatically when students are added or imported to the web service.

A password list can be printed out on the course page. The list contains course information, student names, usernames, passwords, and the address of the sign-in page. For security reasons, the passwords can only be printed out once. If you print out the list again, the passwords will not show. A Password assigned previously text will appear instead. A password can be regenerated with any teacher account under SchoolStudents.

See also, Creating students, Editing students, Getting password list and Generating new password for student.